We’re having a tea party

In the park by the lake.

On a blanket we put

Our cups, tea and cake.


An afternoon party

With friends, cake and tea

Makes the rest of the day

As nice as can be.


I see on the blanket

A big crumb of cake

That one little ant

Is trying to take.

With its head, the ant shoves

To give it a nudge

But that crumb does not move.

That crumb does not budge.


It is a big job

That one ant can’t do,

So, where there was one ant,

Now there are two.

Each ant grabs a side

Of this crumb of cake

And together they pull

And this crumb, they do take!


Now there are two more

Ants trying to take

An even bigger crumb

That fell from the cake.


They could both just stop

And each take a bite.

That would make the crumb smaller.

That would make it light.


That probably won’t happen

Because I’ve never seen

Ants at a table

Drinking small cups of tea.


Now this big third ant

Starts pushing from behind

Across the blanket they go

And down over the side.


The same as the ants,

Three people can do

A job that needs more

People than two.


This all makes me wonder,

How many ants would it take

To move to their ant home

A whole great big cake.

and more…

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